Saturday, February 17, 2007


Okay... so this is my first actual update blog... Should be fun.
In case you weren't aware, I lost my job last month. So, I've been searching for a new one ever since... Hygiene jobs are pretty difficult to come by in the Boise area, so I have taken a job with T-Mobile (where Dustin is working).
I will be filling in at a dental office on Monday, and then on Tuesday I start my training at TMobile. Although I would really like to be using my degree, this job will be a great way for me to contribute to the household while I continue my search for a hygiene job.
As Dustin mentioned, we moved into our little house. It's very cute, and we have plenty of room for visitors (Hint, Hint). We are still loving Boise, but since losing my job, I've wondered if maybe we weren't supposed to head to Vegas... Hmmmm....
Anyway... everything here is great. The weather has been gorgeous and we're happy as clams. (Why are clams happy?)
Love to all!

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